What We Do
Transition Town Kinsale (TTK) is a voluntary community initiative working to help make the transition from a dependency on fossil fuel to a low carbon future. Our vision is a resilient and sustainable town.
Since 2006, because of a committed group of volunteers, and the support of the Town Council, Cork County Council, West Cork Development Partnership and RX3 TTK has facilitated many projects. We have worked with other community and business groups including The Good Food Circle; The Chamber of Tourism; Tidy Towns; Kinsale Arts Week; local National Schools; Kinsale Community School; Kinsale College of Further Education; Sáile; Foróige and Kinsale Active Retirement Association.
We have a number of working groups: food, energy, transport, education and health and we also run many fun family community events to raise green-awareness.
We have many initiatives under the food umbrella and these focus on reducing food miles and developing local food businesses. Our most ambitious project to date is the Kinsale Community Anaerobic Digester. Biodiversity is being promoted on our many nature walks and is also a focus alongside heritage as we look at potential walking and cycling routes in the area.
We are currently working on an Energy Master Plan and a Community Biodiversity Action Plan for the area.
LAPR (Bandon-Kinsale MD) – Submission Transition Town Kinsale
Transition Town Kinsale – Submission to Citizens Assembly – Climate Change
Transition Town Kinsale Submission Issues Paper RSES (Issues Paper for the Southern Region’s Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy)
Cork County Development Plan Review – TTK Submission 2020