Transition Town Kinsale and Tidy Towns Celebrate Biodiversity Week
Transition Town Kinsale and Tidy Towns Kinsale working together for the community. Kinsale Community Orchard is a beautiful space at the far end of Saile
Transition Town Kinsale and Tidy Towns Kinsale working together for the community. Kinsale Community Orchard is a beautiful space at the far end of Saile
Not quite a teddy bears picnic ;) but a walk and talk and a picnic in the woods (Scilly Woods) with Ted Cook
Join Transition Town Kinsale and Tidy Towns, for a sociable day whilst helping to keep our local woods clean and beautiful.
Annual Meetup Wednesday 19th November, 7.30pm All are welcome to attend.
Climate Change Event Carmellite Friary Space Thurs 13th November 7.30pm
Transition Town Kinsale is a voluntary community initiative working to help make the transition from a dependency on fossil fuel to a low carbon future.
Places are still available for this year (2014-15) on the Sustainable Horticulture/ Permaculture course at Kinsale College.
Join us on Green Day 2pm - 28th September 2014 In the Friary and Kinsale Further Education College
Join us for a candlelit parade through town to the Old Mill Building where we will mark Earth Hour (8.30-9.30pm).
Go Wild Nature and Seashore Walk with Phillip Ward Meet 2pm Charles Fort 15th September Graphic Design and more info Contact Jeannie 0861698661
Edible Garden Meitheal 14th September 2013 The Edible Garden meitheal saw loads of wonderful volunteers turn up full of chat, boots on and ready to get mucky and help prepare...