Harvest Celebration Picnic / Have a peek at the photos
Mark your Calender and join us for a harvest celebration picnic at Saile in Transition Town Kinsale’s Community Orchard at 3pm on Sunday 25th September. Bring food to share, a rug or deck chairs, cutlery, and if you have an instrument bring it along and join in with the session.
On the day we will have a hand made apple presse on loan from the Transition Cork City team, so join in and help make apple juice. If you know of anyone with an orchard with fallen apples we could use please let us know.
Wishlist : 🙂
*We need apples and lots of them. If you have any to spare please let us know.
*We need a couple of gazebos so please let us know if you could lend us one for the day !
*Last but not least we need more volunteers to help get things set up and for set down, for the apple presse, and to help make tea on the camp fire.

Poster by Jeannie Timony