Waste Reduction
Well done to Olivia, Margaret and Léna for facilitating this group which has grown since the first Zero Waste Workshop back in October 2018
Waste Reduction Forum
We are delighted to be working with Plastic Free Kinsale (PFK) and Tidy Towns on waste reduction initiatives.
This started February 2018 with our Voice Recycling event which highlighted what we can recycle in Ireland.
L-R Ulick O’Beirne (Voice Recycling), Tara Shine and Madeleine Murray ( Plastic Free Kinsale) and Liz Creed and Donal Chambers (Transition Town Kinsale).
In May we ran a ‘Stop Food Waste’ and composting workshop with Donal O’Leary form WasteDown . This followed on from a workshop Donal facilitated in 2016 at our AGM.

Donal brought along a small wormery for us to see one in action
Our most recent event was a Zero Waste Workshop organised by Olivia Ormston and Margaret Thuillier. Let us know if you would like to join Kinsale Zero Waste Facebook Group to share ideas and tips.
Have a look at the Slideshow: Kinsale Zero Waste Presentation Oct 2018 – Website
There was great interest in all these events which illustrated the appetite for information and ‘know how’ on how to be more sustainable.
Have a look at the Zero Waste Kinsale – Version I – idea sharing document put together after the workshop November 2018.
There was a great buzz throughout the afternoon on Saturday 2nd March, despite the rain, in the Temperance Hall, as people, old and young (with a female bias!), came with their clothes and browsed through the rails. Plenty of alternative retail therapy, and chat, for all who came to this Clothes Swap; organised by Zero Waste Kinsale, a group under the umbrella of Transition Town Kinsale.
Almost everyone who came went home with a ‘find’. Described by a number of people as ‘positive retail therapy’; a new addition to the wardrobe with a ‘zero carbon’ footprint while keeping the ‘something’ you might not wear again in circulation instead of the bin. The clothes that were left will be sorted, with some going to homeless charities in Cork, and the rest to Charity Shops. Some items will be kept, acting as a starter rail for the next one! The small donations people left covered the costs which was great. Big thank you to the facilitators, Olivia Ormston and Léan Kieran, and to Fat Face who provided the Rails for the afternoon.

Clothes Swap – March 2019