Community Garden at Sáile
A Community Orchard has been planted at the site of the new Sports and Leisure Complex in conjunction with Saile Community Association.
Fruit & Nut trees have also been planted in 3 residential areas in Kinsale and at the Allotment site at Ringrone.
Several meitheals have been organised over the last few years to maintain the Orchard. With the help of Tara de las Casas and Dan Benn, who facilitated the planting of the Orchard, the trees are now labelled. Meitheals, to mulch and prune the trees, have been organised by Donal Chambers and Thomas Reidmuller, of Kinsale College, with the Permaculture Students. A big thank you to them and to the students. Community Meitheals are also organised. All are welcome to join these meitheals. Despite the work (or maybe because of it!) they are fun and a great opportunity to pick up tips for your own garden.
Thank you also to Kinsale Men’s Shed for donating some bird houses and a bug and bee hotel, which are now placed in the Orchard.

Workshop with Thomas Riedmuller in 2017 (note the hedge in background which is being planted in photo above in 2011!)

Malcolm Hall, of Kinsale Men’s Shed has placed some of their Bird Houses and a Bug & Bee Hotel in the Community Orchard.