We had a lovey afternoon of music, games, craic and lovely local food to celebrate our 10th birthday !

Making apple juice from local apples yummy! Thanks Dinny Wheeler for sourcing the apples. And to John Baker for your apple presse 🙂

What a lovely arch way we now have for the entrance. Thank you Dan Zev Benn for making it. It’s beautiful !!

Margaret and Dinny making local apple juice 🙂

Our hard working team. and a guest. Left to right Jeannie Timony, Margaret Thuillier, Tara De Las Cases, Geraldine Quinlan, Klaus Harvey, Liz Creed, Behind Liz Alan Clayton and 2 un named party guests.. anyone know their names ?

Happy Birthday to Transition Town Kinsale. Lovely caca millis !!

Our hard working team who put the birthday bash together. Standing from back left: Stig Hellebut, Margaret Thuilier, Geraldine Quinlan,Klaus Harvey, Jeannie Timony, Andy Ashford,. Sitting eft to right: Dan Zev Benn, Tara De Las Cases and kids 🙂